7) Poodle
Known Health Problems)
Breed Nature and Personality)
Poodles are famous for their intelligence and ease of training. They are extremely active, lively, fun loving and great family dogs. Some smaller poodles can be aggressive and unpredictable towards people outside their families or to other dogs. Early socialization to other people and pets can usually solve these issues. Poodles can be very protective of their families and homes and are known for being vocal. Poodles adore attention and can develop bad habits such as seperation anxiety and nuisance barking if ignored or left alone.
Overall Poodles are generally a healthy breed, so you shouldn't spend too much time at the vet. The most common inherent problems with Poodles is Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) which is a progressive eye disease that can lead to blindness. A standard size Poodle has a general lifespan of 12-15 years old, with the smaller breeds living even longer.
Please Check Here If Your Dog Suffers From Hip Dysplasia or Arthritic Pain.
Poodles are an intelligent breed, and love to be both mentally and physically challenged. They are very energetic so daily walks are a must. Poodles don't like being alone. So if you are a professional couple with little time to spend on your pooch, perhaps this is not the right breed for you.
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